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Last edited: May 23, 2024

10 Best Free Social Media Scheduler Tools to Empower Your Workflow (Free and Paid)

Xuan Pang

Ever felt the pressure of posting at the perfect time or struggled to keep up with content creation?

Enter social media scheduling tools – your newfound allies. 🕒✨ In this starting guide, we'll unravel the simplicity and power behind these tools, making your social media experience a whole lot smoother. Let's dive in! 🌊🚀

What is a social media scheduling tool?


A social media scheduling tool is a software solution that empowers social marketers to craft content ahead of time and set it for automated publication at designated times.

While most social media platforms offer basic native scheduling and publishing options, third-party tools offer enhanced flexibility, functionality, and the capability to schedule content across multiple social media channels using a unified dashboard.

Moreover, these tools not only streamline the scheduling process but also contribute to overall content creation workflow efficiency, providing additional time and resources for social media managers to focus on other aspects of their responsibilities.

Why should we use a social media scheduling tool?


  1. Efficient Time Management: A social media scheduling tool allows you to plan and schedule posts in advance. This efficiency ensures that you spend less time on day-to-day posting, freeing up valuable time for other strategic tasks.

  2. Consistent Posting Schedule: Maintaining a consistent presence on social media is vital for audience engagement. Scheduling tools enable you to adhere to a regular posting schedule, keeping your audience engaged and anticipating your content.

  3. Cross-Platform Coordination: With users spread across various platforms, a scheduling tool enables you to coordinate and schedule posts across multiple social media channels simultaneously. This ensures a cohesive and synchronized approach to content distribution.

  4. Insights and Analytics: Many scheduling tools come equipped with analytics features, providing insights into post performance. By analyzing data on engagement, reach, and audience behavior, you can refine your strategy for better results over time.

10 social media scheduling tool (Free and Paid)



The Social Media scheduling tool AFFiNE is like your personal assistant for managing your social media game. It's a pre-designed framework that helps you plan out what to post, when, and where across your social platforms. This template simplifies the whole process, making it easy to stay organized, keep track of your content, and ensure that you're sharing the right stuff at the right times. It's your secret weapon for a more strategic and efficient social media presence.

>>> Get this template now

2. Canva


You already know Canva is the design-savvy social media manager’s best friend. But did you know it now includes a social media scheduler and planner? With posting capabilities for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Linkedin, Canva Pro lets you plan and schedule your content effortlessly. Plus, within the Canva Pro dashboard, you get a comprehensive view of your performance metrics – track engagement, likes, clicks, impressions, and more. It's design and social media management, all in one place!

3. Tweetdeck


TweetDeck, a native scheduling tool, empowers you to effortlessly schedule content across multiple Twitter accounts. While its functionality is limited to Twitter accounts only (no other social platforms are supported), it excels in streamlining the scheduling process. Simply log in using your primary Twitter username and password, and seamlessly add any additional accounts you manage. With TweetDeck, managing and scheduling tweets for multiple accounts becomes a breeze.

4. ClickUp


Since ClickUp offers a simple and user-friendly interface, it makes it easy to drag and drop files, add comments, and track the progress of your content. With the ClickUp Social Media Posts Template, you’ll be able to plan and organize your social media posts and content, publish status, and more. Additionally, with this template, you can easily track the performance of your social media campaigns and identify areas that need improvement to keep you on top of your social media game and marketing campaigns.

5. Mailchimp


Hold up, Mailchimp isn't just about emails anymore! While it's a powerhouse for email campaigns, here's the scoop: Mailchimp has spread its wings to become an excellent tool for scheduling social media posts too. Yup, you heard it right! Seamlessly integrating with Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, Mailchimp allows you to craft and schedule content for these platforms right from its user-friendly interface.



Hootsuite is your one-stop-shop for all things scheduling. Whether you're into auto-posting, planning in bulk, or seeking tailored suggestions based on your social media analytics, Hootsuite's got you covered. It's not just a scheduler; it's your personal assistant in optimizing posting times for the best results. Hootsuite: where scheduling meets sophistication! 🕰️🚀

7. Adobe Express Content Scheduler (Previously ContentCal)


Adobe Express Content Scheduler is a social media content planning and scheduling tool. It provides users with a centralized platform to plan, create, and schedule social media posts across various platforms. Features typically include a content calendar, collaborative tools for team coordination, and analytics to measure the performance of social media content.



CoSchedule places its primary focus on content marketing, making it an ideal choice for businesses heavily invested in blog content.

Setting itself apart from other tools, CoSchedule generously provides three free content calendar templates. Beyond the standard content calendar, it extends its support with an email marketing calendar template, aiding in meticulous planning before each email campaign.



HubSpot stands out as an all-encompassing marketing platform, incorporating features like email marketing and CRM functionality, making it a comprehensive solution for businesses. As part of its offerings, HubSpot generously provides a free downloadable social media content calendar template on its website.

Small Business Trends, an esteemed online publication dedicated to small business owners, generously shares a practical template designed specifically for small businesses. This template is crafted based on the same calendar format utilized internally by the publication.



Trello remains one of the most popular tools for project management. It is especially great if you work as part of a bigger team as you can easily include due dates and add comments to ensure everyone in your marketing team is on the same page. Additionally, with the help of boards and cards, you can assign a task to a specific team member and define the steps needed for individual projects which can help you to organize and prioritize your posts.

Best Social Media Scheduler Tool Recommendation


AFFiNEis a cutting-edge social media scheduler app that is designed to assist you in organizing, managing, and cooperating on tasks, projects, and information when trying to do them in real-time. What sets AFFiNE apart is that it is a free and open-source program that employs offline technology to ensure that it is accessible to all users.

Key features:

  • Diversified templates: At AFFiNE, we provide a variety of templates, including social media content calendar and SMART, to enhance the agility and efficiency of your workflow. Utilize our range of templates to streamline processes, improve collaboration, and achieve optimal results in your projects.



  • Write, Draw, and Plan All-in-One: Enjoy your all-in-one KnowledgeOS solution for effortlessly writing, drawing, and planning on a hyper-fused platform. It supports kanban, table, rich-text paragraphs as building blocks to form pages or whiteboards. It carries out integrated processing here in document editing, data processing, or brainstorming.


  • Offline Accessibility: The best asynchronous communication app should allow users to access their essential details offline. This feature is particularly valuable when going outside with limited internet connectivity.


Currently, AFFiNE has released its stable version, but we are continuing to build to a more feature-rich and stable build. Come and join us on our journey over on our media platforms.

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